4 Things To Do If You Lose a Permanent Tooth

Getting a permanent tooth knocked out can be a very stressful experience. If you react quickly and see the dentist in Jacksonville, NC within 30 minutes, you may be able to save your tooth. At A Beautiful Smile, The Office of Dr. Gina Mancini, we help our patients during their dental emergencies. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Find the Tooth

Find your tooth as soon as it’s knocked out. You may have lost it on the floor or somewhere nearby. When you find it, pick it up by the crown. The crown is the part of the tooth that you can see in the mouth. The opposite side of the crown is called the root. Avoid touching the root if at all possible.

2. Clean the Tooth

Holding the tooth by the crown, clean the tooth by rinsing it in water. Don’t scrub your tooth or wash it with soap. Scrubbing the tooth or rinsing it in soap could damage the tooth.

3. Put It Back In

If you can, put the tooth back in the hole it came out of (called the socket). Place the tooth in the socket root first. If you are unable to put the tooth back in the hole, you can also store it by putting it in your cheek.

4. See the Dentist Immediately

Go to your dentist as quickly as possible. Your tooth has the best chance of survival if you can see the dentist within half an hour of having the tooth knocked out.

Are you having a dental emergency in Jacksonville, NC? Call your dentist at A Beautiful Smile, The Office of Dr. Gina Mancini to let them know you’re coming in for emergency dental care.

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