Entries by A Beautiful Smile

Oral Cancer: It Can Happen to You

Each time you visit yourJacksonville, NC, dentist, you have the chance to have an oral cancer screening. Having these screenings on a regular basis is important for your overall health. Many people believe that oral cancer is rare or that they personally are very unlikely to develop it. However, oral cancer happens more often than […]

An Oral Cancer Screening Can Save Your Life

Dentists are in a unique position to spot signs of oral cancer that patients might recognize. Here at A Beautiful Smile, Dr. Gina Mancini and Dr. Savanna Fonkert make it a point to include oral cancer screening in Jacksonville, NC, with every routine exam. Our dentists examine your tongue, cheeks, gums, lips, and the top and […]

How a Trip to the Dentist Could Save Your Life

You visit Gina Mancini Family & Cosmetic Dentistry every six months for a checkup and cleaning. While these exams help to preserve your oral health, did you know that Dr. Mancini could actually save your life? Oral cancer screening in Jacksonville, NC, is part of the typical exam at our dental practice. Patients between 20 […]

3 Reasons to Get Invisalign

People with misaligned teeth often choose between braces and clear aligners. If you’re trying to decide which is right, here’s what you should know about Invisalign. Clear aligners like Invisalign have significant advantages over traditional braces. If you have questions about Invisalign, your dentist in Jacksonville, NC, can help. 1. Invisalign is Nearly “Invisible” Traditional braces […]

Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces

Invisalign and traditional braces help to create the smile you’ve always wanted. However, deciding on one option over the other can be challenging. In this post, we’ll look at the key differences between these orthodontic solutions. What is Invisalign? Invisalign is a company that makes clear aligners. These devices are made of a high-grade plastic […]