Can Kids Use Invisalign?

For many young patients, braces are simply a normal part of growing up. Often, having braces as a young child means better results because spacing and alignment issues are easier to treat when the mouth and jaw are still growing. Yet many kids struggle to brush well when they have traditional braces on, leaving them with cavities and stains. This makes many parents wonder if Invisalign treatment could work for their kids. At A Beautiful Smile, The Office of Dr. Gina Mancini, we often use Invisalign with kids! Here’s a closer look at which patients are the ideal candidates for this treatment.

How Old Can a Kid Be for Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign works for people of almost any age. In fact, Invisalign’s Invisalign First line is designed for children ages six through ten. They fit smaller teeth well and can help children prevent many of the common problems and discomforts of traditional braces.

Not only that, butInvisalign treatment in Jacksonville, NC, can work with expanders, jaw alignment systems, and other treatments that go beyond braces. Your child can have most orthodontic treatment with Invisalign.

How to Tell if Your Child is a Good Candidate for Invisalign

Even thoughInvisalign can work for children as young as six, there are some factors that determine if a child is a good candidate. First, the child needs to be responsible enough to wear the aligners most of the day and not lose them when they take them out for meals. Second, they need to be able to brush or rinse after meals to protect against cavities. If they can handle these tasks, Invisalign will work well for them.

Are you curious about Invisalign treatment for yoru child? Reach out to A Beautiful Smile, The Office of Dr. Gina Mancini to discuss treatment options for your child and see if Invisalign would be a good fit.

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