Can Kids Use Invisalign?

For many young patients, braces are simply a normal part of growing up. Often, having braces as a young child means better results because spacing and alignment issues are easier to treat when the mouth and jaw are still growing. Yet many kids struggle to brush well when they have traditional braces on, leaving them with cavities and stains. This makes many parents wonder if Invisalign treatment could work for their kids. At A Beautiful Smile, The Office of Dr. Gina Mancini, we often use Invisalign with kids! Here’s a closer look at which patients are the ideal candidates for this treatment.

How Old Can a Kid Be for Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign works for people of almost any age. In fact, Invisalign’s Invisalign First line is designed for children ages six through ten. They fit smaller teeth well and can help children prevent many of the common problems and discomforts of traditional braces.

Not only that, butInvisalign treatment in Jacksonville, NC, can work with expanders, jaw alignment systems, and other treatments that go beyond braces. Your child can have most orthodontic treatment with Invisalign.

How to Tell if Your Child is a Good Candidate for Invisalign

Even thoughInvisalign can work for children as young as six, there are some factors that determine if a child is a good candidate. First, the child needs to be responsible enough to wear the aligners most of the day and not lose them when they take them out for meals. Second, they need to be able to brush or rinse after meals to protect against cavities. If they can handle these tasks, Invisalign will work well for them.

Are you curious about Invisalign treatment for yoru child? Reach out to A Beautiful Smile, The Office of Dr. Gina Mancini to discuss treatment options for your child and see if Invisalign would be a good fit.

How Old Does a Patient Need to Be for Invisalign Treatment  

Invisalign is a popular form of alignment correction used for minor dental readjustments. We offer Invisalign here at our dentist in Jacksonville, NC. A Beautiful Smile, The Office of Dr. Gina Mancini, is accepting new patients. Turn up the volume on your smile with more information about clear aligners as you consider this form of dental care. First, find out what age you need to be for Invisalign treatment.

What is the Age for Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign treatment is available to patients who are of school age. Generally, orthodontists and dentists start Invisalign when a patient is as young as seven. There is no age limit on how old a patient can be before they are rejected for clear aligners.

Candidates for clear aligners need to be ready to wear the device for up to 22 hours a day. A child must be able to maintain a clear aligner as well. Therefore, the patient needs to be capable of wearing and managing Invisalign on their own before they are ready.

Should My Child Have Invisalign

Invisalign clear aligners are an ideal option for correcting malalignments, overbites, and minor tooth repositioning. While a child is still developing and losing their baby teeth, it may be a good investment to start Invisalign as the adult teeth are coming in. This will reduce any pain and discomfort from shifting teeth and gums that the child may experience.

Choose Invisalign in Jacksonville, NC Today

Contact our Jacksonville, NC, dentist at 910-347-9100 to schedule your appointment for Invisalign. Our dentist will begin with a thorough evaluation to determine if you are a good candidate for clear aligner treatment. We will help you and your family choose the right appliances for dental and oral corrections.

3 Reasons to Get Invisalign

People with misaligned teeth often choose between braces and clear aligners. If you’re trying to decide which is right, here’s what you should know about Invisalign. Clear aligners like Invisalign have significant advantages over traditional braces. If you have questions about Invisalign, your dentist in Jacksonville, NC, can help.

1. Invisalign is Nearly “Invisible”

Traditional braces are made up of wires, brackets, and rubber bands that cover your teeth and impact your smile. Invisalign is made from clear plastic arches that fit neatly over your teeth. From a distance, Invisalign is impossible to see. Up close, Invisalign is very subtle and difficult to see. Most people won’t be able to tell you’re wearing Invisalign, even during up-close, one-on-one conversations.

2. Invisalign is Easy to Keep Clean (And Thus So Are Your Teeth)

Invisalign can be removed for cleaning. To clean your Invisalign, clean the trays with unscented hand soap and warm water. You can use a soft bristle toothbrush to clean each arch. While the trays are off, brush your teeth as you usually would. Do not use toothpaste on your Invisalign; toothpaste can scratch the trays.

3. You Won’t Be Restricted In What You Can Eat

Whereas people who wear traditional braces have to be careful not to eat hard or sticky foods, Invisalign affects what you’re allowed to eat. When it’s time to have a meal, take Invisalign off.

Have more questions about Invisalign in Jacksonville, NC? Call A Beautiful Smile, The Office of Dr. Gina Mancini. We’ll happily answer your questions and help you decide if Invisalign is the right product for you.

Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces

Invisalign and traditional braces help to create the smile you’ve always wanted. However, deciding on one option over the other can be challenging.

In this post, we’ll look at the key differences between these orthodontic solutions.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a company that makes clear aligners. These devices are made of a high-grade plastic that move your teeth over time. Custom-made mouthpieces pressure your teeth as they move toward the desired position. Invisalign is a clear orthodontic solution that’s much harder to notice than traditional braces.


The appearance of Invisalign is one of the primary reasons why patients choose this option. But that’s not all—take a look at more advantages below:

  • Removable
  • Comfortable
  • Ability to eat like normal
  • Fast treatment time

Want to learn more about these clear aligners? For more information about Invisalign treatment in Jacksonville, NC, contact The Office of Dr. Gina Mancini today!


If your teeth need a complex correction, Invisalign may not be right for you. Furthermore, the removability of these clear aligners is another drawback to consider. As the device is removed when eating and brushing teeth, it can be easy to misplace.

What are Traditional Braces?

Traditional braces involve the use of metal brackets and wires to move teeth. An orthodontist will periodically change out these wires to apply more pressure, pushing and pulling teeth to their desired position.


Patients typically choose traditional braces when they need a complex correction, which usually leads to better results than Invisalign. Here are more benefits of braces:

  • Variety of options available
  • Fixed in place and can’t be moved
  • Safe when drinking all beverages

Traditional braces are a classic solution for finding that perfect smile!


You can expect the following disadvantages with braces:

  • Bulky, metallic appearance
  • May be uncomfortable
  • Can’t eat certain foods
  • May leave stains after treatment

These cons are why many patients opt for Invisalign.

Interested in learning more? Call The Office of Dr. Gina Mancini today to work with an experienced orthodontist in Jacksonville, NC!