How Zoom Whitening Transforms Your Smile

Zoom whitening in Jacksonville NC can brighten the shade of your teeth by as much as 10 times over your current shade. Whether you have a class reunion coming up, are vying for a promotion, have your eye on someone special, or just want to look your best, we are here to help you improve your appearance and confidence. You can trust the skills of Dr. Gina Mancini since she has performed hundreds of teeth whitening procedures over the years.

What to Expect During Your Zoom Teeth Whitening Appointment

Phillips Dental Company manufactures several types of Zoom Whitening Kits, and Dr. Gina Mancini has earned the certification necessary to administer them. You should plan to attend two appointments if you prefer in-office teeth whitening. During the first session, Dr. Mancini obtains impressions of your top and bottom rows of teeth.

When our laboratory finishes creating your customized mouth trays, we will call you back for the second appointment. Dr. Mancini fills your plastic molds with carbamide peroxide bleaching gel, places one over your top row of teeth and one over your bottom row of teeth, and asks you to remain seated for about 60 minutes. After she removes the trays, she has you rinse your mouth with water and then holds a curing light near your teeth for a few minutes to bring out the shine of your teeth even more.

We also give you the option to brighten your teeth at home using one of our professional kits. Dr. Mancini will talk to you about the benefits of the DayWhite and NightWhite at-home treatments and provide detailed instructions on how to use them.

Are you ready to learn more aboutZoom whitening in Jacksonville NC? Please contact us to request a consultation.

How to Prepare for a Zoom Whitening Visit at the Dentist

Before you come to our Jacksonville, N, dentist’s office at A Beautiful Smile for a Zoom whitening visit, there are ways to improve the outcome. Get the most out of the results by going through these pre-whitening steps. Then, learn how to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gina Mancini for Zoom teeth whitening treatments.

Ways to Prepare for Zoom Whitening

Zoom whitening is a popular technique to reduce stains and unsightly blemishes on adult teeth. Using this treatment, our dentist will help you improve the look of your smile. By getting ready for your Zoom whitening treatment with these steps, you can see more dramatic results:

  • Brush your teeth and floss.
  • Visit the dentist for a comprehensive dental exam and cleaning.
  • Eat a meal before you visit the dentist.
  • Do not drink anything hot for the rest of the day after a Zoom treatment.

By taking these extra steps, you can expect to have better-looking teeth after a Zoom session. However, you may require more than one Zoom whitening treatment for the final results you want in tooth whitening.

Why Choose Dental Tooth Whitening

If you have stains on your teeth from tobacco, wine, or coffee, now is the time to reduce their unsightly appearance. Dental whitening advancements provide patients safe and effective treatments in just one visit. You can once again see a stain-free smile in the mirror.

Schedule Zoom Whitening in Jacksonville, NC

Our dentist, Dr. Gina Mancini, at A Beautiful Smile, is ready to assist you with professional dental whitening in Jacksonville, NC. Contact us at 910-347-9100 to speak with an associate.

We will help you determine if you are a good candidate for dental whitening. Our dental office also provides dental cleanings and comprehensive oral exams to help you prepare for Zoom treatments.